Hamid Reza Pouretedal
Faculty of Applied Chemistry, Malek-ashtar University of Technology, Shahin-Shahr, I. R. Iran.
[ 1 ] - Taguchi optimization of photodegradation of yellow water of trinitrotoluene production catalyzed by nanoparticles TiO2/N under visible light
Taguchi experimental design technique was used for optimization of photodegradation of yellow water sample of trinitrotoluene (TNT) production process. The nanoparticles of doped N-TiO2 were also used as photocatalysts in the photodegradation reaction under visible light. The ranking of data based on signal to noise ratio values showed that the importance order of the factors affecti...
[ 2 ] - Taguchi optimization of photodegradation of yellow water of trinitrotoluene production catalyzed by nanoparticles TiO2/N under visible light
Taguchi experimental design technique was used for optimization of photodegradation of yellow water sample of trinitrotoluene (TNT) production process. The nanoparticles of doped N-TiO2 were also used as photocatalysts in the photodegradation reaction under visible light. The ranking of data based on signal to noise ratio values showed that the importance order of the factors affecti...
[ 3 ] - بررسی اثر ناخالصی سولفوناتهای نیتروتولوئن بر سرعت واکنش TNT - پتاسیم پرمنگنات
The oxidation – reduction reaction of trinitrotoluene (TNT) with potassium permanganate solution and the colorless rate of it are used as a quality control test in industry to verify the purity of TNT. The impurities such other derivatives of TNT are due to increasing of colorless rate of potassium permanganate solution. On the other, nitrotoluene sulfonates are usually formed in the step of ad...
[ 4 ] - مطالعه پیرشدگی ماده منفجره صفحهای بر پایه RDX/HTPB با استفاده از روشهای آنالیزی دینامیک مکانیکی، سل – ژل و اندازهگیری سختی
Aging of a sheet explosive contain RDX explosive and HTPB binder is studied at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70 oC in times 60, 120 and 180 days. Dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA), sol – gel analysis (SGA) and hardness measurements methods are used in this research. The changes of tan_delta in DMA, hardness amounts and soluble fraction in SGA are measured for unaged and aged samples. The obtained...