Reza Kheirandish

Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

[ 1 ] - Histomorphometric evaluation of mice testicular tissue following short- and long-term effects of lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxemia

Objective(s):Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia is known to cause male infertility. This study was designed to explore the effects of bacterial LPS on histomorphometric changes of mice testicular tissues.    Materials and Methods: In experiment 1, a pilot dose responsive study was performed with mice that were divided into five groups, receiving 36000, 18000, 9000, and 6750 µg/kg body...

[ 2 ] - The effects of long-term leptin administration on morphometrical changes of mice testicular tissue

Objective(s):Leptin is a novel and interesting hormone for anyone trying to lose weight, but its effects on male gonad structure in longitudinal study is unknown. The present study was designed to explore morphometrical changes of mouse testicular tissue after long-term administration of leptin. Materials and Methods:Thirty healthy mature male mice were randomly assigned to either control (n=15...

[ 3 ] - Study of disbudding goat kids following injection of clove oil essence in horn bud region

This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of injection of essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata in the kid horn buds, as a new chemical technique for disbudding. Five-day-old healthy goat kids from both sexes (n = 16) were divided randomly into 4 equal groups. In groups 1, 2 and 3, 0.2 mL of clove essence and in group 4 (control) 0.2 mL of normal saline was injected into the l...

[ 4 ] - Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a terrier dog

A one-month-old male terrier dog was referred in shock status with a history of anorexia, tachypnea, abdominal distention and progressive weight loss. Auscultation of right side of the lungs found enhanced respiratory noises. The thorough auscultation of the opposite side of the chest revealed the presence of typical intestinal sounds. Cardiac auscultation revealed muffled heart sounds and a di...

[ 5 ] - Histomorphometrical and Histopathological Evaluation of Hedera Helix Alcoholic Extract on Dermal Collagen Bundles

Introduction: Hedera helix is an evergreen plant used in treatment of wounds in the Iranian folk medicine. One of the main stages in wound healing process is, the proliferative phase in which fibroblasts proliferate within the wounds and produce extracellular matrix. Collagen is the main constituent of extracellular matrix. So the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Hedera helix alc...

[ 6 ] - بررسی تاثیرعصاره ی گیاه مرزنجوش (Origanum vulgare) بر تغییرات مورفولوژیک و هیستوپاتولوژیک بافت تخمدان رت بعد از تجویز طولانی مدت مس

مصرف مقادیر اندک مس در مدت طولانی موجب تجمع مس درکبد می شود و زمانی که به حداکثر مقدار خود رسید به داخل خون آزاد شده و باعث همولیز شدید داخل عروقی، زردی و نارسایی کلیوی خواهد شد. استان کرمان به دلیل خاک غنی از مس و وجود کارخانجات عظیم وابسته به صنایع مس، در زمره ی مناطق پرخطر محسوب می شود. مطالعه ی حاضر با هدف بررسی اثرات گیاه مرزنجوش بر آسیبهای ناشی از مسمومیت با مس در بافت تخمدان انجام شد. در...

[ 7 ] - ارزیابی هیستومورفومتریک تأثیر متیونین بر استخوان تیبیا در جنین جوجه به عنوان یک مدل حیوانی

متیونین یک اسید آمینه ضروری گوگرددار است که به صورت گسترده برای تشکیل غضروف لازم می باشد اما اثرات نامطلوب آن را در اتیولوژی بیماری های استخوانی مانند دیسکندروپلاژی تیبیا و تاثیر آن بر ماتریکس ارگانیک استخوان نباید نادیده گرفت. در این مطالعه اثر هیستومورفومتری و هیستولوژی متیونین بر روی استخوان تیبیای جنین مرغ به عنوان یک مدل حیوانی بررسی گردیده است.30 عدد تخم مرغ نطفه دار هم وزن نژاد گوشتی سوی...

[ 8 ] - وقوع پریتونیت، پریکاردیت و مننژیت ناشی از باکتری سالمونلا انتریکا در یک راس میش نژاد کرمانی

چکیده : سابقه : یک رأس میش نژاد کرمانی به علت بی اشتهایی و لاغری مزمن مورد معاینه بالینی قرار گرفت. یافته های بالینی : در معاینه بالینی دام ، تعداد ضربان قلب طبیعی، تاکی پنه، صداهای قلب گنگ و نا مفهوم، سفتی گردن، عدم توجه به محیط اطراف، دهیدراتاسیون، فقدان حرکات شکمبه و رنگ پریدگی مخاطات چشم مشاهده گردید. آزمایشات تشخیصی: در بررسی کالبد گشایی پریکاردیت، پریتونیت، چسبندگی روده ها و ضخیم شدن پرده...

[ 9 ] - Surgical Treatment of too Large Eosinophilic Granuloma in an Arabian Horse

Case Description- An Arabian 10-mounth-old filly with a large mass on the left lateral side of the neck was referred to the Department of Surgery, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahnoar University of Kerman. Clinical Findings- In clinical examination a large, ulcerated mass (12×10×4cm diameter) was detected on left lateral side of the neck, covered with so...

[ 10 ] - The effects of long-term administration of tramadol on epididymal sperm quality and testicular tissue in mice

Objective- The objective of the present work was to investigate the effects of tramadol administration on sperm quality and testicular tissue in mice. Design- Experimental study Animal- Sixty-three mature male mice Procedures- Mice were randomly divided into three experimental groups (n=21) and the following treatments were intraperitoneally administered, 3 times a week, for 6 weeks: Control...

[ 11 ] - Protective Effect of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Seed Extract on Experimental Reflux Esophagitis in Rat

Objective- Trigonella foenum graecum, (Fenugreek) has anti-inflammation, antiseptic and antidiabetic activities in traditional medicine. This study was performed to investigate the protection effects of Fenugreek seed extract on the experimental reflux esophigitis (RE) in rats. Design- experimental study. Animals- 24 male Wistar albino rats. Procedures- Rats were randomly allocated into 4 group...

[ 12 ] - Surgical Treatment of Sialocele Associated with Osseous Metaplasia and Sialolith in a Terrier Dog

Case Description- The peresent case described sialocele associated with sialoliths and ectopic ossification in a 3-year-old female terrier dog.Clinical Findings- In the general examination, an enlargement fluctuate mass was seen blow the jaw around the neck. Clinical parameters (TPR) and blood test results were normal. The radiograph was showed the fluid opacity mass with some radioopaque...

[ 13 ] - Experimental study on healing of long bone defects treated with fibrin membrane enriched with platelet growth factors and periosteal mesenchymal stem cells in rabbit: radiographical and histopathological evaluations

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of platelet growth factors and periosteal mesenchymal stem cells on bone healing process, radiographically. Forty male White New Zealand rabbits in five equal groups were used in this study. A 2 mm full thickness bone defect was made in left radial bone of each animal. In group A (control) the defect was left with no medical intervention. I...

[ 14 ] - Allogenic Bone Graft Enriched by Periosteal Stem Cell and Growth Factors for Osteogenesis in Critical Size Bone Defect in Rabbit Model: Histopathological and Radiological Evaluation

Background & Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of decellularized allogeneic bone graft enriched by periosteal stem cells (PSCs) and growth factors on the bone repair process in a rabbit model, which could be used in many orthopedic procedures. Methods: In this experimental study, a critical size defect (CSD) (10 mm) was created in the ...

[ 15 ] - گزارش توپی مویی منجر به پریتونیت، در یک قلاده شیر آفریقایی (پانترا لئو)

    این گزارش به وقوع یک مورد توپی مویی بزرگ در معده­ی یک قلاده شیر آفریقایی نر 12 ساله که منجر به پارگی معده، پریتونیت و مرگ حیوان گردید، اشاره می­کند.  در کالبدگشایی، معده بسیار سفت و متسع بود و تمام حجم آن توسط یک توده­ی وسیع به وزن 3800 گرم اشغال شده بود.  وقوع پارگی وسیعی در ناحیه­ی انتروم منجر به پریتونیت چرکی، شوک سپتیک و مرگ گردید.  عدم حضور فعالیت­های حرکتی مناسب، تغذیه با لاشه­ی حاوی ...