Hosein Haghi
Department of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), P.O. Box 11365-9161, Zanjan, Iran
[ 1 ] - Scaling relations in dynamical evolution of star clusters
We have carried out a series of small scale collisional N-body calculations of single-mass star clusters to investigate the dependence of the lifetime of star clusters on their initial parameters. Our models move through an external galaxy potential with a logarithmic density profile and they are limited by a cut-off radius. In order to find scaling relations between the lifetime of star cluste...
[ 2 ] - Evaluation of New MOND Interpolating Function with Rotation Curves of Galaxies
The rotation curves of a sample of 46 low- and high-surface brightness galaxies are considered in the context of Milgrom's modi_ed dynamics (MOND) to test a new interpolating function proposed by Zhao et al. (2010) [1] and compare with the results of simple interpolating function. The predicted rotation curves are calculated from the total baryonic matter based on the B-band surface photometry,...