Nahid Rahimi

Islamic Azad University, Takestan

[ 1 ] - Etymology, Contextual Pragmatic Clues, and Lexical Knowledge in L2 Idioms Learning

To investigate the effects of etymological elaboration, contextual pragmatic clues, and lexical knowledge on L2 idioms comprehension and production, 60 male intermediate level EFL students in three groups were selected. Each group was randomly assigned to one treatment condition. Group one participants were presented with the etymological explanation of idioms. In group two, the same idioms wer...

[ 2 ] - The Effect of Task Type and Task Orientation on L2 Vocabulary Learning

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of meaning-focused versus form-focused input-oriented and output-oriented task-based instruction on elementary level Iranian EFL Learners’ vocabulary comprehension and recall. For this purpose, a sample of 120 male students from a private school in Tehran was selected through convenience sampling and based on availability. The participants were...

[ 3 ] - The Effect of Online Learning Tools on L2 Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of various online techniques (word reference, media, and vocabulary games) on reading comprehension as well as vocabulary comprehension and production. For this purpose, 60 language learners were selected and divided into three groups, and each group was randomly assigned to one of the treatment conditions. In the first session of tre...
