A. Kenfack
Department of Animal Productions, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon
[ 1 ] - Prominent Signs of Oestrusin the West African Dwarf Goat
In order to study the signs of œstrus in the West African Dwarf goat, 28 non pregnant females younger than 24 months of age were used. Most of them (94.7%) had waggled the tail during heat. The frequency of micturition was higher in the presence of the male. The swelling of the vulva was observed in 68.4% of goats in heat. The cervico-vaginal mucus was significantly (P≤0.05) abundant and elasti...
[ 2 ] - Attenuating effects of Mangifera indica leaves ethanolic extract against acetamiprid induced reproductive toxicity in male guinea pigs
Acetamiprid (ACP) belonging to the neonicotinoid family used against wide array of pests in agriculture and domestic purposes. In this study, we evaluated the attenuating effects of ethanolic extract of Mangifera indica leaves (EEMI) in averting reproductive toxicity caused by ACP in male guinea pigs. Thirty male guinea pigs were randomly assigned to five treatment groups (n = 6). Grou...