Hossein Pazham
Health Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - Travel Guidance for People with Diabetes; A Narrative Review
Diabetes is a disease which occurs by lack of insulin production or its inappropriate function. Patients with diabetes who take insulin suffer from high blood sugar and face unique challenges while travelling as their schedules for insulin dosage and blood sugar regulation change. Therefore they need to organize carefully how they have to travel, instruments they should take, the actions...
[ 2 ] - Traveling Guides for Patients Suffering from Thyroid Disorders; A Narrative Review
Main thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, all kinds of swellings and tumors. Generally, thyroid disorders increase the risk of obesity, heart and vessels disease, anxiety, hair dye, sexual disability and infertility clearly. Patients with these diseases have to be aware of appropriate actions for short or long land, air and sea travels in order to prevent side effects of...