Ali Ayoubian

Department of Health Services Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - “HEXAL Model” How It Can Collaborate With Health Service Providers and Travel Medicine

Introduction: Nowadays the trend to travel abroad has extremely grown. This is while, paying attention to travelers’ health is an incredibly important issue. Many organizations try their best to provide health services during travelers’ trips. Meanwhile, the biggest and most effecting health care providers all around the world are hospitals. Regarding this fact, a theory has be...

[ 2 ] - A Survey to the Implementation of Islamic Standards in the Hospitals of Iran for Attraction of Muslim Medical Tourists

Introduction: This is a survey to the implementation of Islamic standards in the hospitals of Iran for attraction of medical Muslim tourists. Method: This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted in 2013 within a number of hospitals throughout Iran. The data was collected by the check lists of Islamic standard...

[ 3 ] - Assessment of Factors Affecting the Establishment of Hospitals in Iran

Background: It is important to set up hospitals, since they play a key role in providing health care services based on the budget allocated to the health sector. Objective:  This study evaluated factors militating against the establishment of hospitals in Iran. It also emphasized the importance of health care services. Methods: This...

[ 4 ] - بررسی میزان کیفیت خدمات درمانی یک مرکز درمانی نظامی بر اساس مدل سروکوال

اهداف: این پژوهش با هدف تحلیل شکاف بین انتظارات و واقعیات در 6 بعد کیفیت خدمات درمانی در یک مرکز درمانی نظامی با استفاده از مدل سروکوال انجام پذیرفت. روش‌ها: این پژوهش از نوع توصیفی ـ تحلیلی مقطعی بود که در سال 1392 در یک مرکز بهداشتی درمانی نظامی صورت پذیرفت. با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی تعداد 104 نفر از بیماران انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها پرسشنامه استاندارد مدل سروکوال بود. داده...

[ 5 ] - وضعیت گردشگری سلامت در ایران؛ فرصت یا تهدید

  چکیده   اهداف: گردشگری سلامت، هرگونه مسافرت برای ارتقای سلامت را دربر می­گیرد و به‌عنوان یکی از ابعاد گردشگری، به توسعه پایدار و پویایی اقتصاد کشور کمک می­نماید. همچنین گردشگری سلامت، یک استراتژی ملی در راستای افزایش درآمد کشور و نیز یک بازوی امنیت ملی است. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی وضعیت گردشگری سلامت و تعیین مزیت­های ویژه کشور ایران صورت گرفت.   روش‌ها: این پژوهش از نوع توصیفی مروری در دو مرحل...

[ 6 ] - The Relationship between Daily Spiritual Experiences and General Health of the Elderly Registered in the Retirement Center of Isfahan

Abstract Background and Purpose: A significant proportion of retired people who are close to the elderly age, experience the loss of physical and mental symptoms of general health, while on the other hand, the spiritual needs of the elderly is greater than other age groups due to their problems. Therefore, this study focused on one of the most important recent innovations in the concept and me...

[ 7 ] - Medical Travel: The Ethical and Legal Challenges

Medical tourism is a term referring to the people traveling to other countries to obtain medical care. Like any other rapid growing indus­try, medical tourism has prompted ethical and legal issues. These issues are mainly pertained to malpractice and consumer protection. Beside these, risk management, foreign hospital liabilities, international ad­vocacy, facility ownership, intellectual proper...