Amin Ranjabaran
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Islamic Azad university, Gonabad Branch,Gonabad, Iran
[ 1 ] - Voltage Imbalance Compensation for Droop-Controlled Inverters in Islanded Microgrid
In this paper, a new control strategy is proposed for implementation in low-voltage microgrids with balanced/ unbalanced load circumstances. The proposed scheme contains, the power droop controllers, inner voltage and current loops, the virtual impedance loop, the voltage imbalance compensation. The proposed strategy balances the voltage of the single-phase critical loads by compensating the im...
[ 2 ] - A New Control Strategy for Voltage Restoration and Voltage Unbalance Compensation in an Islanded Droop-Controlled Microgrid
Low voltage microgrids including sensitive loads often face unbalanced load conditions. Therefore, a compensation procedure should be carried out in order to balance and restore sensitive load’s voltage. In this paper, an effective voltage control strategy has been proposed for the autonomous operation of microgrids, under unbalanced load conditions. The proposed strategy balances single-phase...