Q. Yu

Key Laboratory of Water Cycle & Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy ofScience, Beijing 100101, China

[ 1 ] - How energy and water availability constrain vegetation water-use along the North Australian Tropical Transect

Energy and water availability were identified as the first order controls of evapotranspiration(ET) in ecohyrodrology. With a ~1,000 km precipitation gradient and distinct wet-dry climate,the North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT) was well suited for evaluating how energy andwater availabilities constrain water use by vegetation, but has not been done yet. In this study,we addressed this que...

[ 2 ] - Photosynthetic parameter estimations by considering interactive effects of light, temperature and CO2 concentration

Biochemical leaf photosynthesis models are evaluated by laboratory results andhave been widely used at field scale for quantification of plant production,biochemical cycles and land surface processes. It is a key issue to search forappropriate model structure and parameterization, which determine modeluncertainty. A leaf photosynthesis model that couples the Farquhar-vonCaemmerer-Berry (FvCB) f...

[ 3 ] - Impact of spatial-temporal variations of climatic variables on summer maize yield in North China Plain

Summer maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the dominant crops in the North China Plain (NCP). Its growth is greatly influenced by the spatial-temporal variation of climatic variables, especially solar radiation, temperature and rainfall. The WOFOST (version 7.1) model was applied to evaluate the impact of climatic variability on summer maize yields using historical meteorological data from 1961 to 20...
