Zahra Meshkani

Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

[ 1 ] - The Main Determinants of Under 5 Mortality Rate (U5MR) in OECD Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study

Introduction: Child mortality indices are key element that reflects health Status of societies and inform policy makers to take suitable policies to reduce them. This study was performed to examine the main determinants of under-5 mortality rate (U5MR) in OECD countries in two cross-sections, 2010 and 2013, and the results of them was compared. Material and Methods: This was a cross- sectional ...

[ 2 ] - بررسی عوامل مؤثر در کسور بیمه‌ای در یکی از بیمارستان های منتخب نیروهای مسلح شهر تهران: یک مطالعه موردی

بررسی عوامل مؤثر در کسور بیمه‌ای در یکی از بیمارستان‌های منتخب نیروهای مسلح شهر تهران: یک مطالعه موردی   ندا ولی پور یکانی۱‌، سید مسعود موسوی نژاد۲‌، زهرا مشکانی۳‌‌* ۱. کارشناس ارشد، دانشکده بهداشت، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران، تهران، ایران ۲. دکتری حرفه‌ای، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اجا، ریاست بیمارستان، تهران، ایران ۳. دانشجوی دکتری تخصصی‌، مرکز تحقیقات علوم مدیریت و اقتصاد سلامت، دانشکده مدیریت ...

[ 3 ] - قابلیت جذب گردشگر پزشکی در بیمارستان (مطالعه موردی یکی از بیمارستانهای نیروهای مسلح تهران)

Background: Many hospitals of Iran make use of their therapeutic capacities in order to attract medical tourists and increase revenue and efficiency of their affiliated hospitals. This issue has major benefits for hospital and tourists. This study assessed the potential of medical tourists' attraction in a military hospital in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive- analytical...

[ 4 ] - مقایسه بهای تمام‌شده خدمات ارائه شده به وسیله بخش آنکولوژی به روش‌های هزینه‌یابی سنتی و هزینه‌یابی بر مبنای فعالیت (مطالعه موردی: بیمارستان توحید استان کردستان)

مقدمه: با توجه به افزایش هزینه‌ها و محدودیت منابع، توجه به همه فعالیت‌ها و هزینه‌ها به منظور محاسبه بهای تمام‌شده خدمات ارائه شده به ویژه در بیمارستان‌ها ضروری است؛ زیرا شناسایی دقیق هزینه‌ها می‌تواند منجر به قیمت‌گذاری درست خدمات ارائه شده، شود. روش پژوهش: پژوهش حاضر از نوع پژوهش‌های کاربردی و گذشته‌نگر بوده و شیوه گردآوری داده‌ها به روش بررسی اسناد و مد...

[ 5 ] - Inequality in distribution of human resource in health sector: case study of dentists in Fars province

Inequality in Distribution of Human Resource in Health Sector: Case Study of Dentists in Fars Province   Moalemi Somayeh1, Meshkani Zahra2, Moosavi Nejad Seyed Masood3, ValipourYekani Neda4* 1. MSc of Health Economics, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran 2.  Ph.D. Student in Health Economics, Health Management and Economics Res...

[ 6 ] - Determine of cost drivers in Activity Based Costing method of hospital services

Determination of Cost Drivers through Activity Based Costing Method in Determination of Hospital Services Costs  Meshkani Zahra1, Reza Pour Aziz2, Alipour Vahid3, Farabi Hero1*, Mazdaki Alireza4, Hakimi Narges5 1. Ph.D. Student in Health Economics, Health Management and Economics Research Centre, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2. Associate Professor, Health Management an...

[ 7 ] - Educational Costs of Residents in a Teaching Hospital: a case study

  Educational Costs of Residents in a Teaching Hospital: a case study   Aleboyeh Mahmoud Reza1, Reza pour Aziz2, Meshkani Zahra3*, Alipour Vahid4,  Soleimani movahed Maryam4   1. Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2. Associate Professor, Health Management and Economics Research Center, Iran University o...

[ 8 ] - Evaluation of Technical Efficiency of Hospitals during COVID-19 Crisis: A Case Study of Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Hospitals

Background: Hospitals are the most important executive part of healthcare systems. During COVID-19 crisis, they faced a sudden demand, and spent the hospital resources and equipment in order to provide treatment services to COVID-19 patients. Considering that the provision of services was focused on these patients, the efficiency of hospitals during this crisis was not clear. The purpose of the...