Neda Mohammadinia

PhD candidate in Health Education and Health Promotion, International Campus, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Cultural Beliefs on Menstrual Health in Bam City: A Qualitative Study

Background: Menstruation is a natural and physiologic process that is managed based on various socio-cultural habits and behaviors. Cultural beliefs about menstruation can improve or worsen menstrual health behavior. The present study aimed to explore the cultural beliefs about menstrual health in Bam city, Iran. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative study with Directed Content Analysis...

[ 2 ] - Elderly and Care Givers’ Experiences of Transfer to Nursing Homes in Bam City: A Qualitative Study

Introduction: The elderly population has increased rapidly in recent decades, and consequently, admission to nursing homes is growing, but their experiences of this transfer have not been paid adequate attention. The aim of this study is to explain the elderly and care givers’ experiences of transfer to nursing homes in Bam city, Kerman Province, Iran. Methods: This study was conducted u...