Samir Kabbaj

Faculty of Sciences, IBN TOFAIL University , KENITRA, MOROCCO.

[ 1 ] - On Hilbert Golab-Schinzel type functional equation

Let $X$ be a vector space over a field $K$ of real or complex numbers. We will prove the superstability of the following Go{l}c{a}b-Schinzel type equation$$f(x+g(x)y)=f(x)f(y), x,yin X,$$where $f,g:Xrightarrow K$ are unknown functions (satisfying some assumptions). Then we generalize the superstability result for this equation with values in the field of complex numbers to the case of an arbitr...

[ 2 ] - $ast$-K-g-Frames in Hilbert $mathcal{A}$-modules

In this paper, we introduce the concepts of $ast$-K-g-Frames in Hilbert $mathcal{A}$-modules and we establish some results.

[ 3 ] - A new type of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for Drygas functional equation

In this paper, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for the Drygas functional equation$$f(x+y)+f(x-y)=2f(x)+f(y)+f(-y)$$ in Banach spaces by using the Brzc{d}ek's fixed point theorem. Moreover, we give a general result on the hyperstability of this equation. Our results are improvements and generalizations of the main result of M. Piszczek and J. Szczawi'{n}ska [21].

[ 4 ] - Operator frame for $End_{mathcal{A}}^{ast}(mathcal{H})$

‎Frames generalize orthonormal bases and allow representation of all the elements of the space‎. ‎Frames play significant role in signal and image processing‎, ‎which leads to many applications in informatics‎, ‎engineering‎, ‎medicine‎, ‎and probability‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we introduce the concepts of operator frame for the space $End_{mathcal{A}}^{ast}(mathcal{H})$ of all adjointable operator...

[ 5 ] - Generalized hyperstability of the cubic functional equation in ultrametric spaces

‎In this paper‎, ‎we present the‎ generalized hyperstability results of cubic functional equation in‎ ‎ultrametric Banach spaces using the fixed point method‎.

[ 6 ] - *-Operator Frame for End_{mathcal{A}}^{ast}(mathcal{H})

In this paper, a new notion of frames is introduced: $ast$-operator frame as generalization of $ast$-frames in Hilbert $C^{ast}$-modules introduced by A. Alijani and M. A. Dehghan cite{Ali} and we establish some results.

[ 7 ] - 2-Banach stability results for the radical cubic functional equation related to quadratic mapping

The aim of this paper is to introduce and solve the generalized radical cubic functional equation related to quadratic functional equation$$fleft(sqrt[3]{ax^{3}+by^{3}}right)+fleft(sqrt[3]{ax^{3}-by^{3}}right)=2a^{2}f(x)+2b^{2}f(y),;; x,yinmathbb{R},$$for a mapping $f$ from $mathbb{R}$ into a vector space. We also investigate some stability and hyperstability results for...

[ 8 ] - Generalized Frames for B(H, K)

Frames play significant role in various areas of science and engineering. Motivated by the work of Chander Shekhar, S. K. Kaushik and Abas Askarizadeh, Mohammad Ali Dehghan, we introduce the concepts of $K$-frames for $B(mathcal{H, K})$ and  we establish some result. Also, we consider the relationships between $K$-Frames and $K$-Operator Frames for $B(mathcal{H})$.