Maliheh Mayghani

Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, 19359-3697, Iran

[ 1 ] - The structure of ideals, point derivations, amenability and weak amenability of extended Lipschitz algebras

Let $(X,d)$ be a compactmetric space and let $K$ be a nonempty compact subset of $X$. Let $alpha in (0, 1]$ and let ${rm Lip}(X,K,d^ alpha)$ denote the Banach algebra of all  continuous complex-valued functions $f$ on$X$ for which$$p_{(K,d^alpha)}(f)=sup{frac{|f(x)-f(y)|}{d^alpha(x,y)} : x,yin K , xneq y}

[ 3 ] - Quasicompact and Riesz unital endomorphisms of real Lipschitz algebras of complex-valued functions

We first show that a bounded linear operator $ T $ on a real Banach space $ E $ is quasicompact (Riesz, respectively) if and only if $T': E_{mathbb{C}}longrightarrow E_{mathbb{C}}$ is quasicompact  (Riesz, respectively), where the complex Banach space $E_{mathbb{C}}$ is a suitable complexification of $E$ and $T'$ is the complex linear operator on $E_{mathbb{C}}$ associated with $T$. Next, we pr...
