Vamegh Rasouli

Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, ARRC Building, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, WA, 6151, Australia.

[ 1 ] - A 3D elasto-plastic FEM program developed for reservoir Geomechanics simulations: Introduction and case studies

The development of yielded or failure zone due to an engineering construction is a subject of study in different disciplines. In Petroleum engineering, depletion from and injection of gas into a porous rock can cause development of a yield zone around the reservoir. Studying this phenomenon requires elasto-plastic analysis of geomaterial, in this case the porous rocks. In this study, which is a...

[ 2 ] - The impact of poor cementing casing damage: A numerical simulation study

A good knowledge of the parameters causing casing damage is critically important due to vital role of casing during the life of a well. Cement sheath, which fills in the gap between the casing and wellbore wall, has a profound effect on the resistance of the casing against applied loads. Most of the empirical equations proposed to estimate the collapse resistance of casing ignore the effects of...

[ 3 ] - Wellbore associated problems due to gas injection into non-horizontal structures

The rapid growth in natural gas consumption has increased the need for gas storage, in particular in the form of injection into depleted reservoirs. Also, CO2 sequestration into the depleted reservoirs has attracted a large attention recently. However, it is important to ensure that the injection pressure is maintained below a certain limit to avoid unsealing the cap rock or reactivation of any...
