Alireza Hajji

Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Process of Risk Analysis for Iranian Insurance Companies

The main challenge for any insurer/reinsurer has proved to be underwriting major refinery/Petrochemical risk. Insurers have already considered process risk management measures while accepting and evaluating the risks all over the world. Erstwhile petrochemical tariff was adopting experiencing methodology as basis for premium calculation in Iran. In the present de-tariff scenario decisions will ...

[ 2 ] - (1, T) policy for a Two-echelon Inventory System with Perishable-on-the-Shelf Items

This paper deals with an i * Corresponding author Email address:   nventory system with one central warehouse and a number of identical retailers. We consider perishable-on-the-shelf items; that is, all items have a fixed shelf life and start to age on their arrival at the retailers. Each retailer faces Poisson demand and employs (1, T) inventory policy. Although demand not met at a retai...

[ 3 ] - A Queueing-Inventory System with Repair Center for Defective Items and One-for-One Ordering Policy

In this paper we consider a system consisting of a supplier with a single processing unit, a repair center, and a retailer with Poisson demand. We assume that the retailer applies one-for-one ordering policy with backorders for his inventory control. The retailer’s orders form a queue in the supplier processing unit. We also assume that a certain fraction of the products produced by the supplie...

[ 4 ] - Queueing Inventory System in a Two-level Supply Chain with One-for-One Ordering Policy

Consider a two-level inventory system consisting of one supplier and one retailer. The retailer faces a Poisson demand with a known rate and applies base stock (one-for-one ordering) policy. That is, his inventory position is set to a pre-determined level, so the demand pattern is transferred exactly to the supplier. The supplier has an inventory system and a service unit with exponentially dis...

[ 5 ] - Budgetary Constraints and Idle Time Allocation in Common-Cycle Production with non-zero Setup Time

Economic lot size scheduling problem (ELSP) for a multi-product single machine system is a classical problem. This paper considers ELSP with budgetary constraint as an important aspect of such systems. In the real world situations the available funds for investment in inventory is limited. By adopting the common cycle time approach to ELSP, we obtain the optimal common cycle which minimizes the...

[ 6 ] - Scheduling Accumulated Rework in a Normal Cycle: Optimal Batch Production with Minimum Rework Cycles

In this paper we consider a single machine system that produces items part of which are defective. The defective items produced in a time period, consisting of several equal cycles, are accumulated and are all reworked in the last cycle of this period called the rework cycle. At the end of the rework cycle the whole process will start all over again. The first significant objective of this stud...

[ 7 ] - Optimum Aggregate Inventory for Scheduling Multi-product Single Machine System with Zero Setup Time

In this paper we adopt the common cycle approach to economic lot scheduling problem and minimize the maximum aggregate inventory. We allow the occurrence of the idle times between any two consecutive products and consider limited capital for investment in inventory. We assume the setup times are negligible. To achieve the optimal investment in inventory we first find the idle times which minimi...