S. Moudud-Ul-Huq

Department of Business Administration, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh

[ 1 ] - Corporate Governance Practices in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis between Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks

Corporate governance (CG) is an important effort to ensure accountability and responsibility and is a set of principles, which should be incorporated into every part of the organization. This study focused on the state of Corporate Governance (CG) in two categories of the banking industries: Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks. As Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks differ a great deal in the...

[ 2 ] - FDI and Bangladesh: A Study of South Asian Territories

Foreign Direct Investmentplays a crucial role in the economy of developing countries like Bangladesh through accelerating Gross Domestic Product (GDP), export and domestic investment followed by overall economic growth. The present scenario of FDI in Bangladesh in not still satisfactory enough but given the availability of abundant resources, skilled and cheap labor forces, a stable political a...

[ 3 ] - Job Satisfaction of Garments Industry in a Developing Country

The Readymade Garments (RMG) industry occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh economy. It is the largest exporting industry in Bangladesh, which experienced phenomenal growth during the last 25 years. More than 78 percent of Bangladesh’s export earnings come from the garments industry. The industry plays a key role in employment generation and in the provision of income to the poor. Nearly...
