Sarvenaz Ghasemi

[ 1 ] - The Presentation of a Mathematical Model to Assess and Control the Inventory Control System through ABC Analysis Approach (A Case Study of Lino Meat Products Company)

Today, the effective inventory management plays an important role in the success of the organizations in the new business environment. It is not clearly possible for the organizations that store hundreds of inventory items to economically design an inventory management policy for each inventory item separately. Moreover, various inventory items may play quite different roles in the business ...

[ 2 ] - The Presentation of a Mathematical Model to Assess and Control the Inventory Control System through ABC Analysis Approach (A Case Study of Lino Meat Products Company)

Today, the effective inventory management plays an important role in the success of the organizations in the new business environment. It is not clearly possible for the organizations that store hundreds of inventory items to economically design an inventory management policy for each inventory item separately. Moreover, various inventory items may play quite different roles in the business ...