R. Kazemi
Department of Statistics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
[ 1 ] - A Random Walk with Exponential Travel Times
Consider the random walk among N places with N(N - 1)/2 transports. We attach an exponential random variable Xij to each transport between places Pi and Pj and take these random variables mutually independent. If transports are possible or impossible independently with probability p and 1-p, respectively, then we give a lower bound for the distribution function of the smallest path at point log...
[ 2 ] - Probabilistic analysis of the asymmetric digital search trees
In this paper, by applying three functional operators the previous results on the (Poisson) variance of the external profile in digital search trees will be improved. We study the profile built over $n$ binary strings generated by a memoryless source with unequal probabilities of symbols and use a combinatorial approach for studying the Poissonized variance, since the probability distribution o...