Masoud Yavari

Shahid Beheshti Medical University, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Hospital Income Loss due to Incomplete Clinical Documentation: A Survey of Service Items and Potential Causes in the Iranian Teaching Hospitals

Background and Objectives: Many Iranian public hospitals are faced with serious financial challenges such as shortage of income and heavy debts. Nevertheless, many of the healthcare services are often remained unearned for not being included in the clinical records or patient bill, resulting in considerable loss of legitimate hospital in‌come. Given the limited studies in this area in Iran, the...

[ 2 ] - Evaluation of Early Active Controlled Motion in Flexor Tendon Repair

Objectives: The objective was to determine the results of early active controlled motion in the patients rehabilitated by our new protocol. Methods: 91 fingers in 64 patients with flexor tendon repair in all zones were enrolled in a single group (quasi-experimental) clinical trial. 58 fingers in 43 patients were assessed at least three months postoperatively. Outcomes were defined using the ...

[ 4 ] - استفاده از انتقال آزاد عضله گراسیلیس برای برقراری ابداکشن و فلکشن به جلوی شانه در ضایعات شبکه بازویی

Abstract Background: Loss of active abduction and forward flexion of shoulder in brachial plexus injury (BPI) is a severe disability in daily life and employment. Several methods of tendon transfer, such as Saha, Hartman and Bateman procedure, have been described with a limited function. In this study, 4 cases treated with functioning free Gracilis muscle transplantation for BPI were reporte...

[ 5 ] - شیوع تغییر آناتومیک عضلات تنار در مبتلایان به سندرم تونل کارپال

Abstract Backgraound: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve compression neuropathy. It is a multifactorial syndrome and several systemic and local factors such as carpal tunnel anatomy and its variation change the size, shape and volume of this tunnel. In this study, we seek to explain the relation between anatomic variation of thenar muscle and CTS. Methods: This descripti...

[ 6 ] - بررسی تاثیر حرکت زودرس برعملکرد ترمیم تاندون‌های فلکسور انگشتان دست

Abstract: Background: Immobilization and splinting after tendon repair, have traditionally been used as part of the treatment protocol for tendon injuries in fingers. There has always been a debate about the duration of immobilization among surgeons, because some complications after tendon repair are attributed to prolonged immobilization. In this study, the results of early mobilization follo...