Mehdi Khodabandelu

Clinical Psychologist, Tabriz, I.R. Iran

[ 1 ] - Comparing diagnosis of depression in depressed patients by EEG, based on two algorithms :Artificial Nerve Networks and Neuro-Fuzy Networks

Background and aims: Depression disorder is one of the most common diseases, but the diagnosis is widely complicated and controversial because of interventions, overlapping and confusing nature of the disease. So, keeping previous patients’ profile seems effective for diagnosis and treatment of present patients. Use of this memory is latent in synthetic neuro-fuzzy algorithm. P...

[ 2 ] - Suggesting a new alternative method of measuring mental disorders without the use of Paper-Pencil tests based on EEG

Background and aims: Paper-pencil tests have always its own problems in the mental disorders evaluation, including learning questions, bad or good blazon are the problems with this methodology. This study aimed to propose a new alternative method of measuring mental disorders without paper-pencil test using EEG. Methods: The research society involved depr...
