Maryam Daneshvar

Ph.D., Department of Urbanism, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univesity, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Institutionalism in Strategic Structural Plans (A Grounded Theory Approach)

Nowadays, planning is no longer considered merely a scientific and technical career nor agovernment responsibity. It rather functions as a bridge connecting the planners to institutional changes. In otherwords, the planning theory does not develop in a social, economic and political vacuum, but is formulated byindividuals in social situations with the aim of clarifying the enviroment recommendi...

[ 2 ] - رویکردی داده بنیاد بر کاربست برنامه‌‌های ساختاری- راهبردی در نظام شهرسازی ایران

امروزه برنامه‌ریزی دیگر صرفاً به‌عنوان حرفه‌ای علمی، فنی و یا وظیفه‌ای دولتی و حکومتی تلقی نمی‌شود؛ بلکه به مثابه پلی است که برنامه‌ریزان را در ارتباط با تغییرات نهادی قرار می‌دهد. به عبارت دیگر نظریه برنامه‌ریزی در خلاء اجتماعی، اقتصادی و یا سیاسی شکل نمی‌گیرند، بلکه به وسیله افراد و در موقعیت‌های اجتماعی با هدف تبیین وضع موجود و تجویز رویه‌ها و فرآیند مناسب‌تر صورت‌بندی می‌شود. این پژوهش با هد...

[ 3 ] - Determine the Carrying Capacity of the Tourism and Recreational Range of Natural Areas along the Urban and Sustainable Urban Planning. (Case Study: Mashhad Metropolis)

Aims & Backgrounds: Today, the concept of capacity utilizing the maximum number of users who use a natural or recreational area at a given time without changing disturbance in the environment is widely used in urban management and planning. The purpose of this study is to determine the recreational range and tourism capacity in the Mashhad area. To this end, three types of physical, real, and e...

[ 4 ] - The theory of "developmental and coordinated legal structure for the formulation of criteria for Iran's urban development plans"

Objectives and contexts: The research started with the concern that "urban planning laws, especially the rules of urban development plans, are not effective". By studying the conducted researches, it was found that urban plans have inefficiencies from the legal and regulatory aspect. The root of some of these inefficiencies is in the "legal structure and laws". Therefore, the aim is to obtain a...