Morteza Yaghoubi

Department of Economics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Assessment of Water Use Efficiency Indices in Selected Plains of Fars Province, Iran

This paper aimed to evaluate Water Use Efficiency (WUE) indices for crops and horticulture productions. In doing so, after gathering data from 164 farmers, we investigated water withdrawal cost indices and monetary return per cubic meter of water through two econometric and managerial approaches . Besides, water shadow pricesand dry matters of per cub meter of water were calculated. The results...

[ 2 ] - Evaluating the Relative Efficiency of Iran's Tourism Industry: A Non-Parametric Approach

T ourism is one of the most invaluable industries in the world, attracting millions of foreign tourists every year. In terms of historical and cultural attractions, Iran is among top 10 countries, however, it has a small share of foreign tourist's arrival. Iran's tourism boom depends on providing the suitable conditions for the arrival of tourists, included service elements (i.e. hot...
