Mohammadreza Aria-Nasab

Exploration Directorate of National Iranian Oil Company, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) strata of the Tabas Block, East - Central Iran

Rhaetian strata from the Nayband Formation of the Tabas block, East- Central Iran, were studied palynologically. The materialexamined contained moderately diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages which lead to the identification ofRhaetogonyaulax rhaetica Zone. The assigned age of this dinozone (Rhaetian) is justified by plant fossils such as Equisetitesarenaceus, Scytophyllum...

[ 2 ] - Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) miospore assemblage from Persian Gulf, Southwest Iran

A Mississippian miospore assemblage has been recorded from well A in the Persian Gulf in Iranian offshore, for the first time. Fifteen species of spores have been recognized in the Early Carboniferous assemblage of this well which the most important of them are: Spelaeotriletes arenaceus, Aratrisporites saharaensis, Spelaeotriletes balteatus, Spelaeotriletes triangulus and Radiizonates arcuatus...